startup 🚀



Information technologies
Booth C11-019(Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat)
Web3, Blockchain, Crypto & NFT
Industry, Logistics & Supply Chain
Luxury, Fashion & Cosmetics
MyLime is the leading patented blockchain-based tracking platform that preserves and increases the value of goods over time. MyLime stands for MY LIM-ited E-dition, and our technology allows us to create the updateable digital passport of the products, manage their information throughout their lifecycle from the production to the final customers, make this information transparent and inviolable through blockchain technology, generate an NFT univocally correlated to the physical counterpart. In this way, we guarantee the products' traceability, authenticity, and ownership, preserving their value over time. There are different kinds of events that can be included inside the digital passport, like production phases, maintenance operations, and events participation. Moreover, it is also possible to include a 1:1 correlated NFT with the physical counterpart.