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Press Alert: VivaTech boosts startup business

Posted at: 11.18.2022in category:Press
The majority of startups consider VivaTech to be a business booster. We break down the stats.


In partnership with MRCC, a market research institute, VivaTech asked exhibiting and visiting startups that attended the 2022 event what makes their experience stand out. The vast majority said the event brought them increased business leads and brand visibility, while also opening up opportunities to get introduced to major investors and corporations, and to pitch their business to the leaders in tech. Overall, 71% of the startups surveyed consider VivaTech to be a business booster.

Check out the Full Report, and the Press Alert on our website.


Don’t just take our word for it.  VivaTech’s alumni say it better. Here are some insights from startuppers Ruben Hallali of HD Rain and Romuald Boulanger from La Vitre, on why they continue to come to VivaTech.


"The main reason we come back to VivaTech every year is for the quality of the discussions we have there, but also for the business we are able to generate in just two or three days. This represents 50% to 60% of our leads for the following year." 

– Ruben Hallali, CEO of HD Rain

Read more here.

 “VivaTech is an amazing event and so vast that we can actually meet a lot of the players from so many different sectors in the same place. And it’s a place where our ecosystem can expand too!”

– Romuald Boulanger, Co-founder of La Vitre

Read more here.


"The visibility that VivaTech offers us, especially in terms of media exposure, is essential in building our ecosystem.” 

– Anne-Cecile Marie, Technology Adjacencies Director, Innovafeed

Read more here.


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