Created in 2015 with headquarters in London and now offices in NY, Hero connects millions of online shoppers across seven countries with live associates in stores, helping to boost online conversion rates and order values.
Says Hero’s founder Adam Levene, who first came to VivaTech as an attendee in 2016 and was brought back by LVMH in 2018: “We were hugely impressed by just how many wonderful large companies were coming together in a very collaborative way with small and emerging startups.” A key objective for Hero: Extending their partnership with LVMH. “Our collaboration with LVMH means we’re connecting to more of the Maisons. In terms of Berluti, with whom we’ve already been collaborating, we met a number of their most senior stakeholders that we hadn’t met previously. We’re working towards a longer-term contract with them.”
The exposure provided by VivaTech was a big plus for Hero: “We were exposed to the rest of the French startup ecosystem,” says Levene, “and so, on the back of [our LVMH partnership], we collaborated with Lafayette Plug and Play Scheme and Innovation Labs hosted by other major companies.”