How Do We Balance Innovation with Ethical Governance?
As technology evolves at breakneck speed, global economies grapple with cooperation, rivalry, and the race for technological leadership. Political decision-makers and regulators play a critical role in ensuring innovation serves humanity’s best interests. At VivaTech 2025, we’ll examine how governance can keep pace with advancements like AI, protect privacy, and foster a global tech landscape that balances progress with responsibility.
Exploring Ethics, Privacy & Governance
Top VivaTech Voices
- Margrethe VestagerEuropean Commission
- Tristan HarrisCo-founderCenter for Humane Technology
- Raffi KrikorianCTOThe Emerson Collective
- Brad SmithVice Chair and PresidentMicrosoft
- Charlette N'GuessanData Solutions & Ecosystem LeadAmini
- Shelley McKinleyChief Legal OfficerGitHub
- Taylor OwenChair in Media, Ethics & Communications Max Bell School of Public Policy, McGill University
- Francesca Rossi AI Ethics Global LeaderFellow, IBM