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Booth H22-011(Wed, Thu, Fri)
Artificial Intelligence
B2B Services
Fintech, Insurance & Legal
Emvista is a French company based in Montpellier. From 2018, our research team designs AI in order to extract and structure information from text contents. Results are 100% proprietary, souvereign (France), state-of-the-art artificial intelligences. Prevyo "AI Store" provides on the shelf industry solutions such as Prevyo Anonymizer to anonymize sensitive documents, or Prevyo Highlighter to extract relevant entities such as names of persons, locations, phone number, product names, events, and so forth, or Prevyo "Opinion" that is able to detect opinions in product reviews for instance and to understand what is the target of the opinion. Finally, Prevyo "AI Workbench" lets you design you own custom AI which fits your specific needs. Emvista customers are from security and defence, banks, and real estate sectors.