startup 🚀



Booth L18-021(Thu)
Artificial Intelligence
Industry, Logistics & Supply Chain
DeepHawk is a visual quality control solution built on AI that analyzes product images live on the production line, detecting defects as small as a single pixel in just 15 milliseconds. It learns significantly faster than traditional AI systems (30 minutes vs. 3 weeks) and offers exceptional flexibility. DeepHawk can handle any type of product, camera (including multi-view, still and video images, visible spectrum, X-ray, infrared, and microscopic), and deploys entirely on-premise, eliminating the need for an external connection. As a "frugal" AI, DeepHawk uses minimal computing resources, reducing its carbon footprint by a whopping 375x. Founded in 2022 and launched in 2023, DeepHawk is already deployed in two factories of a major car manufacturer and is currently undergoing testing with ten additional clients.