Trust is key to unlocking an environment where innovation thrives – how can you foster it?
03:00 PM- 03:30 PM - Paris Time
The last few years have seen trust in businesses, governments and institutions fall to all-time lows. As trust diminishes, so does the space for freedom and creativity. What does this erosion of trust mean for innovation? In today's world, companies - especially technology companies - require a social license to operate. This license goes beyond formal permissions; it is earned through consistent, ethical interaction with stakeholders and the public at large. Whether it is the perceptions of consumers, citizens, policy-makers, investors, employees, organizations need to be socially acceptable and legitimate. The ability of organizations to experiment, innovate, and push the boundaries of what is possible, means establishing and protecting their social license to operate is an imperative. Otherwise, the prospect of greater controls and the heavy hand of regulation can threaten to stifle creativity and innovation, especially in areas such as artificial intelligence. The session will outline the intricate relationship between trust, regulation, and innovation over a 5-minute presentation to set the context, followed by an on-stage Q&A and open questions to the audience. Join us to explore what steps organizations must take to rebuild trust in today’s sceptical world.