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Software Development/Cloud services
Booth G12-019(Wed, Thu, Fri)
Artificial Intelligence
B2B Services
Marketing & Advertising
Experience Significant Streaming Events with Voilà. Turn your webinars, town halls, and plenary sessions into captivating broadcasts. \n 1. Revolutionize your narration: Introducing our unique feature a Conductor powered by AI. Synchronize interactive activities with your speech. Create a detailed program, integrate multimedia elements like jingles, slides, and videos, and engage your audience with interactive moments.\n 2. Elevate your brand image: Embrace TV-inspired aesthetics for a polished brand presentation. Use our fully customizable video player to improve production quality. From custom credits and jingles to branded graphic elements, maintain full control over your brand image. 3. Master your production: Bring your setup to life with Voilà Studio's video control. Become a streaming video production expert as you animate content, integrate visual elements, and explore endless possibilities in HD quality without latency. Experience the future of streaming with Voilà.