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SANPOM powered by

SANPOM powered by

Consumer goods/Retail/E-commerce
hall1 Booth E50-001(Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat)
B2B Services
Luxury, Fashion & Cosmetics
Retail & E-commerce
Leading the Future of Fashion with Realistic and Scalable Digital Solutions Our digital fashion platform leverages advanced generative AI to transform how consumers shop online, focusing on actual fit rather than standard size recommendations. Unique among virtual try-on solutions, our technology allows for the real-time conversion of 2D design files into detailed 3D digital garments. This ensures that shoppers can view how clothes will truly fit their individual body shapes, displayed on precisely modelled digital avatars. This emphasis on realistic representation helps consumers make more informed decisions, reducing the likelihood of returns due to fit issues. Additionally, our platform stands out for its scalability - our robust system is designed to handle an expansive volume of designs in real time, enabling continuous and dynamic updating of retailer offerings. Join us in setting a new standard in the online fashion industry, where scalability meets the precision of fit.