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Hope Valley AI

Hope Valley AI

Booth B56-009(Thu)
Artificial Intelligence
Healthcare & Wellness
1 out of 8 women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Breast cancer is highly curable and can be successfully treated if detected at an early stage. It can even be avoided through effective prevention. Mammography is the gold standard in organized screening. Yet more than half the women who develop breast cancer do not undergo this ionizing procedure. Furthermore, 18% of so-called interval cancers develop between two screening sequences. These cancers are more aggressive and grow more rapidly. Hope Valley AI developed an integrated risk-informed non-ionizing breast imaging solution, the MAMMOPE, deploying trustworthy multimodal Artificial Intelligence, resultant from 12 years+ Nuclear R&D, for ultra-personalized preventive prediction and early detection of weak signals precursors to the incubation of breast cancer.