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Booth K24-006(Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat)
Food & Agriculture
Fairme is designing a fully autonomous multi-product dairy processing plant. The dossier is written in the present tense, although the workshop is still under development. This plant, connected directly to the farm, transforms milk into a range of dairy products at the consumer's request via a simple web application. By automating processing and sales at the farm, it makes local consumption accessible to everyone. Our aim is to meet the growing consumer demand for healthy, local, minimally processed farm produce. Industrial processes are a source of pollution and significant greenhouse gas emissions, and do not value the work of the farmer. On the other hand, the model of the farmer taking care of breeding, milking, processing and then distribution and sale requires a considerable number of working hours and considerable investment, the main obstacles to its development. Fairme provides a technological solution that is revolutionising the dairy sector.