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VivaTech’s Path to ISO 20121 Certification

Posted at: 06.06.2024in category:Press
We are proud to announce our ISO 20121 certification, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.

fresque-newlogos.jpg At VivaTech, we’ve been on a mission to get certified for ISO 20121 certification for over two years. It’s been quite the journey, but just after the 2024 edition of VivaTech this May, we proudly announced that we’ve achieved the certification!

So what does this mean for VivaTech as a company? And why does it matter?

Starting the Process

The road to achieving ISO 20121 certification began in the fall of 2022, following initial reflections in the spring to identify the most suitable certification for us. We embarked on a two-year process, using the certification as a tool to structure our company, formalize our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy, and engage our VivaTech team members in the process.

With the guidance of the IPAMA consulting firm, the certification was carried out in three stages: a compilation of structuring documents, interviews with employees to see if these policies were implemented throughout the company, and ended with a thorough audit of the 2024 VivaTech event.

This comprehensive approach helped us define a clear roadmap based on four key commitments and set long-term goals for sustainable growth.

Recyclage Urnes Badges.jpg Badge recycling bins. Photo credit: VivaTech

Working to Reduce Our Environmental Footprint

We understand that a sustainable future requires us to prioritize both people and the planet, which is why reducing our environmental footprint is a critical pillar of our CSR strategy. To achieve this, we have adopted a circular model for our production processes, focusing on eco-design and resource efficiency.

For instance, our “VivaLand” scenography incorporates reusable stages and the startup corners have been in use since 2019, alongside rented materials and the elimination of carpeting to minimize waste. Additionally, we promote soft mobility by creating a Bike Park, encouraging attendees to opt for cleaner transportation options.

Impact Builders-min.jpg Impact Builders participants. Photo credit: VivaTech

Working for a More Inclusive & Diverse Tech Sector

Promoting a more inclusive and diverse tech sector is essential for fostering innovation and creativity, as the best ideas emerge from teams with diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences. We are committed to this pillar by actively monitoring gender parity on our conference stages, achieving a 41% representation this year across all stages.

We also champion women in tech through initiatives like the Female Founder Challenge and the 100+100 mentoring session, which connected women and girls in unique mentorship opportunities. Additionally, we opened our event to students and educational institutions, leveraging VivaTech as a powerful educational tool.

100+100 Viva Lounge mentoring-min.jpg Elisabeth Borne and a student during a mentoring session. Photo credit: VivaTech

Engaging, Educating, & Acting as a Tool for Change

We strive to build a sustainable future and a more inclusive society, which starts with being the change we want to see. We highlight committed and innovative solutions through initiatives like the Tech for Change label, which recognized 30% of startup innovations dedicated to positive impact, and the Impact Bridge, featuring over 50 startups focused on sustainability initiatives.

Through The Good Hack, we engaged with VivaTech attendees to explore AI's role in addressing societal challenges, garnering 14,000 contributions. We also onboard our partners via the Viva+ club, bringing together large actors to work together towards common impact goals. Additionally, our Saturday program introduces the tech ecosystem to a wider audience through mentoring, coding classes, and this year’s EthicAll Game Jam.

DSC01118-Avec accentuation-Bruit (1).jpg Monthly tech coffee with the VivaTech team. Photo credit: VivaTech

Fostering Teamwork

We can’t achieve what we do every year without our employees. Working together as a team is crucial for us, as we believe that a supportive work environment and a focus on work-life balance enable our employees to thrive and exceed their goals.

To bring this commitment to life, we engage our employees throughout the year in meaningful initiatives, such as skills sponsorship with the Witech association as part of The Good Hack 2023 Edition. This program allows our team to support middle school girls in discovering tech careers, promoting both personal and professional growth. By emphasizing teamwork and creating a positive work culture, we empower our employees to contribute to our collective success and advance our mission of building a better future.

Just the Beginning

These pillars of sustainability, inclusivity, engagement, and teamwork are not just words but actionable principles guiding our daily endeavors, both within Viva Technology as a company and during the yearly event.

Having obtained this ISO 20121 certification is just the beginning though. We believe that it will not only enable us to tackle pressing social and environmental challenges but also bring together even more actors in the tech sector around positive impact initiatives.

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