Megumi Kobayashi accepts LVMH Innovation Award. Photo credit: VivaTech 2024
Heralbony, one of the 2024 winners of the LVMH Innovation Award that was presented at VivaTech, started its acceleration program last fall in La Maison des Startups, LVMH’s startups’ accelerator based in Paris at Station F. We caught up with the Chief Growth Officer of Heralbony, Megumi Kobayashi, to hear about the impact of this program and how the startup has leveraged their success at VivaTech 2024 since then.
Unlocking Opportunities for Artists with Disabilities
Through collaborations with artists with disabilities worldwide, Heralbony aims "to empower individuals with disabilities to embrace their unique talents and transform societal perceptions of 'disability' itself." By fostering a world where differences are celebrated as a natural and enriching part of life, they envision a society that thrives on diversity and inclusion.
This unique startup manages the art licenses of over 243 contracted artists, serving as a bridge to connect them with companies seeking to incorporate their artwork into meaningful corporate initiatives. The artists receive royalties as a part of the compensation for their contributions, ensuring sustainable support for their creative endeavors.
Heralbony helps circulate and get exposure for these artists and their work through exhibitions and extraordinary product and brand collaborations. Megumi Kobayashi, Chief Growth Officer at Heralbony, emphasizes the importance in showcasing the "value in the creativity and also the artwork that's created by the artists with disabilities" to open up diversity and inclusion initiatives in the business sector.
Heralbony Bus. Photo credit: Heralbony
Japan's Spotlight
Originally based in Japan, Heralbony was ripe to expand into the European market. Prior to winning the LVMH Innovation Award, the startup was supported by 50 Partners, a business accelerator that supports startups throughout development through mentorship and networking. Megumi Kobayashi highlights how having a "professional mentor who had a strong, rich experience in licensing and lecturing" helped the company approach the French market.
Seeing that Japan was the VivaTech 2024's country of the year, Megumi Kobayashi explains that "the Japanese government and also JETRO strongly supported the Japanese startups." She highlights how this support helped Heralbony gain visibility, referencing the moment when "even the Prime Minister at the time mentioned Heralbony in his opening remarks at the opening ceremony of VivaTech."
Megumi Kobayashi notes that the visibility provided by VivaTech was vital, as it ultimately gave Heralbony the momentum they needed. "Being at VivaTech not only gave us a strong recognition of the global scale, but also gave us the real opportunity for us to expand our business into European markets."
Accelerating Success: Heralbony's Path with LVMH
Drawing from LVMH's rich history of innovation and intrapreneurial spirit, the LVMH Innovation Award is designed to attract innovative startups that fit different use cases. The award, presented at VivaTech, gives winners the chance to participate in a 10-month acceleration program called La Maison des Startups LVMH.
Participants in this acceleration program have the chance to collaborate with some of LVMH's 75 Maisons to further incubate ideas and technologies that create excellence in the luxury industry.
Heralbony, currently based at Station F in Paris, is participating in this acceleration program provided by LVMH to fulfill their project of "bridging the European artists and the European companies here."
Megumi Kobayashi highlights some of the startup's plans for the next five years, including ideas "such as Heralbony Art Station, Airplane or Heralbony Park, or many of the Heralbony Art featured products to be launched.” In the long term, she sees the brand becoming a global and influential platform for "bridging the artists with disabilities and large enterprises all over the world. "
Megumi Kobayashi concludes with some advice for other startups looking for the opportunity for a success story at VivaTech like Heralbony's. "Bring your whole team because there are so many opportunities that you can leverage at VivaTech."
LVMH Innovation Award Ceremony 2024. Photo Credit: VivaTech 2024
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